Message: “Shoes that Bring Peace” from Joseph Gros
A message from the series “Battle Ready.” Joseph Gros teaches Shoes that Bring Peace from the 2009 Southwest Men’s Conference, Battle Ready.
Message: “Righteousness that Protects” from Mike MacIntosh
A message from the series “Battle Ready.” Mike MacIntosh teaches Righteousness that Protects from the 2009 Southwest Men’s Conference, Battle Ready.
Message: “Truth that Girds” from Ray Carter
A message from the series “Battle Ready.” Ray Carter teaches Truth that Girds from the 2009 Southwest Men’s Conference, Battle Ready.
Message: “Knowing the Enemy” from Raul Ries
A message from the series “Battle Ready.” Raul Ries teaches Knowing the Enemy from the 2009 Southwest Men’s Conference, Battle Ready.
Message: “Main Event! Standing Before God” from Ray Jaramillo
A message from the series “Everlasting.” Ray Jaramillo teaches Main Event! Standing Before God from the 2007 Southwest Men’s Conference, Everlasting.
Message: “Standing Firm – God is With You” from Pancho Juarez
A message from the series “Everlasting.” Pancho Juarez teaches Standing Firm – God is With You from the 2007 Southwest Men’s Conference, Everlasting.
Message: “Fighting the Good Fight” from Ebo Elder
A message from the series “Everlasting.” Ebo Elder teaches Fighting the Good Fight from the 2007 Southwest Men’s Conference, Everlasting.
Message: “Before the Bell Rings – Know the Rules” from Lance Cook
A message from the series “Everlasting.” Lance Cook teaches Before the Bell Rings – Know the Rules from the 2007 Southwest Men’s Conference, Everlasting.
Message: “Train to Win! Growing in Grace and Knowledge” from Don McClure
A message from the series “Everlasting.” Don McClure teaches Train to Win! – Growing in Grace and Knowledge from the 2007 Southwest Men’s Conference, Everlasting.
Message: “Playing by the Rules” from Ray Jaramillo
A message from the series “Enlisted.” Ray Jaramillo teaches Playing by the Rules from the 2006 Southwest Men’s Conference, Enlisted.